Fads Do Not Last
Individuals and Interactions = Relationship (the Blah-Blah-Blah Manifesto)
75% of those using Scrum will not succeed
Extract Team Leads
Product Owner School
A missing team type in Team Topologies?
Complexity of organizational design and its effects on scaling agility
LeSS Adoption at Poster. Part 4: Twenty LeSS Sprints
LeSS Adoption at Poster. Part 3: Flipping the Org
LeSS Adoption at Poster. Part 2: Designing New Org
LeSS Adoption at Poster. Part 1: Org Before Change
Three Ecosystems
Three Common (and Contagious!) Organizational Diseases
Don't scale agile. Descale your organization.
Cat Paw Management (Meets Recession)
Human Framework Dependency Syndrome (HFDS)
RenDanHeyi is the new Lean
Org Design Defines Managers' Scope
Try Impact-Driven Product Backlog
Scrum Master's Five Traps